Diesel Performance Specialties » Airdog
n 1990, Charles Ekstam, began research that led to the development of the Fuel Preporator®, the world’s first and only fuel air separation system for diesel engines with positive air separation. Three years later, the first commercial Fuel Preporator® unit was sold. During the following 20+ years, PureFlow® Technologies, Jefferson City, MO, has developed Fuel Preporator® and AirDog® models for virtually every diesel engine application including commercial trucking, pick-up trucks, military, marine, agriculture and mining. This high output pump and filtration system designed specifically for diesel engines is the most effective technology to remove water, particulates, and most importantly entrained air & vapor from diesel fuel to increase fuel economy, power and performance. In 2002, AirDog®, became the new Registered Trademark for the pick-up truck model Fuel Preporator®. Due to the popularity of the AirDog® Trademark, all Fuel Preporator® fuel air separation systems are now trademarked AirDog®. PureFlow® Technologies, Inc manufactured and marketed all AirDog® and Fuel Preporator® fuel air separation systems until 2009!